What fitness show you like or dislike?

Topic starter: Fitness show you like or dislike.

Some of the current Fitness shows:

  • The Big Fat Truth
  • From Fit to Fat to Fit
  • I Used to Be Fat
  • My Diet is Better Than Yours
  • Fitness Online

Some exercises that are potentially not good:

Behind-the-Head Lat Pulldowns:

When performing lat pulldowns, the bar should always stay in front of your body.  “Otherwise it’s a shoulder injury waiting to happen.”  Pulling the bar down and behind your head and neck places extreme stress and strain on the front of the shoulder joint.

Machine Leg Extensions:

How often do you just sit around and kick out your legs? Probably not that often, if ever. So why do so in the gym? “There’s no functional benefit to leg extensions.” (Functional exercises use your body’s natural movement in ways that apply to real-world motions.) Plus, your knees aren’t designed to carry weight from that angle, which could cause injury. While your injury risk is low if you have otherwise healthy knees, why take the risk if the exercise isn’t even functional to begin with?

Smith Machine Squats

Squatting on a Smith machine might look like a safe alternative to the squat rack. In reality, it’s anything but. When you lower into a squat using a Smith machine, your back stays straight and almost perfectly perpendicular to the ground, which compresses and stresses the vertebrae.  Also, since using the Smith machine requires leaning back into the bar, you overly stress your knees, never fully contract your glutes or hamstrings, and don’t train your core.


“The amount of force and compression that gets placed on the vertebrae of the low back is unreal.” You’re working your spinal erectors and many stabilizing muscles throughout the back and core, but you’re placing a ton of force and stress on a very sensitive and specific area in the body.

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