Romanian Dead Lift:         USE BAR WITH LIGHT WEIGHTS

  1. Feet Hip Distance Apart.
  2. Slight Bend in the Knees, Shins verticle
  3. Keep Hips Pushed Back and Back Straight.
  4. Keeping Back and Arms Straight, Use Hips to Lift Bar (Exhale) Squeeze Booty at Standing.
  5. Press Hips Back, Slightly Bend the Knees to Lower Weights Barbell Back.



Clean and press: (Do this with a trainer’s supervision until you get comfortable with it.) Stand with feet under a light barbell or just behind a Body Bar, feet about shoulder-width apart. Squat down and grasp bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders and palms facing behind you. Shoulders should be aligned over the bar and your back should be flat. Straighten legs and push hips forward to stand up; keep bar close to shins as you rise up. Shrug shoulders and bend arms out to sides to pull bar up in front of chest, then flip hands over so arms are underneath bar and it rests under your chin (bend knees to cushion the impact). Press bar straight overhead. Slowly lower bar until it’s in front of thighs and then squat to lower it completely to floor, keeping it close to shins again.

Crunch on a stability ball: Lie back with a stability ball centered under your back, hands resting lightly behind head with elbows out to sides and feet about shoulder-width apart. Lift hips so body is straight from head to knees. Slowly crunch head and shoulder blades off ball, then lower back to start and repeat. The farther the ball is from your head, the more challenging the move.

Figure Eight with Kettlebell: Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders, arms extended at sides, holding a kettlebell in right hand. In one motion, squat as you lower the kettlebell between legs, then pass it to the left hand, grabbing handle behind left knee. Rise up as you bend left elbow, curling the kettlebell toward left shoulder. Extend left arm and repeat entire sequence in opposite direction. Continue, alternating sides each time.

Fast feet: With hands out to sides for balance, stand with feet about hip-width apart. Lower into a half-squat, then step right foot out to right and left foot out to left then bring them back in to the start position again, right then left. Repeat, trying to move feet as quickly as possible.

High knees: Stand with feet about hip-width apart, hands on hips or at sides as if jogging. Jog in place, lifting knees as high as you can in front of you.

Jump lunge: Lunge with left leg, elbows bent and hands in fists, right hand in front of chest and left hand at hip. Jump as you switch legs and arms, landing in a lunge with right foot in front. Continue, alternating legs.

Jump squat: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower into a deep squat position with knees tracking over toes, hands in front of thighs. Jump straight up, swinging arms overhead to help lift body. Land in squat.

Kettlebell Swing: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with both hands in between thighs. Slightly bend knees, shift hips back, and lower chest until it’s nearly parallel with the floor. Stand up, tightening your butt and driving hips forward to swing kettlebell up to chest height in front of you.



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