Fitness Blog

What’s Your Daily Nutrition Like?

Topic starter: What you eat and drink in a 24 hour period.   Energy: You need energy for daily activities. What is converted into energy proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the recommended quantities. Energy fuels your body, you need metabolism for physical activity. If you consume too much energy for your body to process, so when you burn off the metabolism for your activities for the day, the excess is stored as body fat. Balance your energy consumption. The more active you are the more energy you need.   Fat:…

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How Much Sleep Do You Get Per Day?

Topic starter: Most adults need between six and eight hours per night to function at their peak. Personally, I have serious problems sleeping. Years ago, my then girlfriend asked me to see a Doctor, she said i would wake up all through the night choking and gasping for air. I did a sleep study and I was waking up about two hundred times a night trying to catch my breath, all this I never knew, only that I snored heavily. Under my insurance I was issued a CPAP machine, The…

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Muscle Gain Myths – Every pound of muscle you add burns 50 extra calories a day

Topic Starter: Is it a myth? Lifting Weights Will Make You “Bulky”: Lifting weights will actually help you lose fat and gain muscle, provided you are eating enough protein. You Need To Overdose On Protein: This is an old myth of long ago, where some were really overdosing on steroids, not protein. The science behind protein is that around 0.63 grams per pound of body-weight is the most you need. More than that did not really gain. Load up on brain-healthy veggies. You Can’t Lose Fat At The Same Time:…

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How nutrition or diets changes as you age

Topic starter: Many times, knowing what works is just as valuable as knowing what doesn’t work. Nutrition changes with age. Aging is linked to a variety of changes in the body, including muscle loss, your skin gets thinner, less stomach. acid which can affect the absorption of nutrients, such as vitamin B12, calcium, iron and magnesium. The elderly have an increase risk of malnourishment, a decline in general functional status and to decrease bone mass, immune dysfunction How Nutritional Needs Change as we get Older Fewer Calories are needed: If…

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